martes, 17 de abril de 2012


Doctor Doom is a supervillian, he was born in the gypsy comunity of Latveria. He is son of Cynthis Doom, a sorceress, and Doom Von.

Doctor Doom is tall, muscled and fit. His eyes are small and brown, and his hair is brown and short. He possesses some mystical abilities, such as casting bolts of energy and invoking mystical entities for additional support. Doom is a genius in physics, robotics, cybernetics, genetics, weapons tecnology, biochemistry and time travel. He is also self-taught in the mystical arts.

Doctor Doom is brave, decided and dynamic. He wears a sophisticated nuclear-powered titanium battlesuit wich grants him strenght. It contains jets for flight and houses a personal force field. He can also electrify his armor's surface. The armor contains a four-hour air supply, and it can be sealed for traveling into outer space or underwater.

I like him because I used to have fun when reading comics where Dr Doom was the main character.

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