martes, 17 de abril de 2012



Iceman is a member of the X-Men. He is tall and thin , with brown hair. He is honest, and very very generous. Robert Drake was  born in Floral Park , New York.

Iceman prossesses the power to radically decrease the temperature of weter or make vapor in his immediate environement . He is able to make umbrakable ice .  He is able to quikly from a great variety of ice structures .

Bobby is hisnikname, but his real name is Robert Drake . He is shy, he is not immediately very easey-going with people

Iceman is a close friend to Human Torch, although his powers are the opposite. When he uses powers, his body becomes crystalline. But when he doesn't use them , he takes his human aspect.

I like him because I have fun when reading Marvel Comics.

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