martes, 17 de abril de 2012


Elektra is a woman of Greek origin. She studied martial arts when she was an addescent, ut louter she studiedf political science at University. She is one of the most famous Marvel heroines.

Physically, she is tall, strong, beauty and has long dark hair. She dresses in red as her signal of identy.

Phsycologicaly, she is cold brave and fights for what she belives.

Her abilities are strenght, speed, agility and reflexes. She is also an experit martial arts.

On the other hand, Jennifer Garner as Elektra is not similar to the marvel character. She is an American actress who has participated in lots of films. She has little and brown eyes, a nice smile and she was chestrut hair.

I like this character becausde I thiunk that she represents a strong woman different from the rest.

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